

january, 2025


Clyde Primary Compass Parent Portal

The Compass Parent Portal is the main platform that Clyde Primary School uses to communicate with parents.

Through the portal newsfeed messages, reminders and an event calendar inform parents of important dates and information. Parents are able to message class teaches and specialist teachers. They are also able to notify the school of absences, provide permission to incursions and excursions and book interview times. We recommend that you download the Compass app in order to keep up to date with notifications as they happen.

A guide to using Compass can be found by clicking here

Download the app with the links below or visit the site in your web browser by clicking here.

Team Kids – Before/After School care

We are proud to partner with Team Kids to provide our outside school hours care program.

To find out more about the program at our school, including hours of operation, fees and how to register please click here

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I volunteer at the school as a parent helper?

Clyde Primary School values the support given by parents, in the classroom, around the school and at home. To become one of our volunteer parent helpers, parents must complete a one-hour session Parent Helper Training Course focusing on all aspects schooling. It gives an insight into the types of activities that are part of our class programs, the procedures involved in assisting, as well as relevant questions and prompts to support students and encourage them to extend their skills and strategies. While the knowledge and skills gained are valuable for supporting classroom teachers they also provide insights into helping your own children at home.

This program will run in Term 1 each year, please phone the office on 5998 5293 to enquire.


Can I pick my child early from school?

Yes, you can. Before picking your child up please contact the school and let them know the following.

  • Your name and relation to the student e.g. Mother/Father
  • Child’s name
  • Year level
  • Time of picking them up.

Please note if you are not on the students contact details e.g. Not a primary parent, the primary family will need to call the school to notify that you are picking up the child.  Without consent from a primary family member, you will be unable to pick up the student.


Student Timetable

Start Time 9:00 am  Students can enter their classroom at 8:50am to be ready to learn at 9:00am.

Recess 11:30 – 12:10pm

Lunch 2:00pm – 2:40pm

Home Time 3:30 pm

Please Note: If you are picking up a student during recess (11:30am – 12:10pm) or lunch time (2:00pm – 2:40pm) be mindful that additional time maybe required as students are outside and may not hear the announcement to come to the office. If you intend to collect a student please call the office in advance so they can be ready.

What are the current lunchtimes at school?

At Clyde Primary School our students eat lunch at 1:50pm and are outside from 2:00pm


How do I contact my child’s teacher?
  • Phone the school and ask for a meeting/phone conference
  • Email the school and request to speak with the teacher
  • Contact the staff using the compass portal
What do I do if my child is late?

Any child that is late to school needs to report to the office to sign in using the digital kiosk. Parents can go to the office on the child’s behalf to sign in late for them.

How do I pay for school fees/purchase a hat?

When it comes to paying school fees or purchasing a hat, you can do either:

  1. You can come to the office and speak to one of our friendly staff 
How do I order lunch orders at Clyde Primary School?

The school’s canteen is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at recess and lunchtime, and is operated by H and H Canteens. 

Alternatively, you can order and pay for your child’s lunch using the Flexischool App. 

Students are also able to purchase snacks from the canteen window during the first half of recess and lunch.


Can my child bring a mobile phone/electronic device to school?

In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Clyde Primary School during school hours, including lunchtime and recess and before and after school while on school premises. Student that bring mobile devices to school must hand them into the office at the start of the day and have them switched off. Students may collect their phone at the end of the day from the office. This also applies to any type of smart watch device.

Where students bring a mobile phone to school, Clyde Primary School will provide secure storage. Secure storage is storage that cannot be readily accessed by those without permission to do so.

This excludes BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Laptops.


The school’s canteen is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday at recess and lunchtime, and is operated by H and H Canteens.

To make an order, please download the Flexischool App, set up an account or log in to Clyde Primary School’s portal. 

Lunch orders need to be ordered prior to 8.30am. 

Students are also able to purchase snacks from the canteen window during the first half of recess and lunch.

Flexischools Website

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play


School uniform is compulsory at Clyde Primary School. Our colours are navy and red.  The Clyde Primary School uniform can be bought from Beleza School Uniform’s in High Street, Cranbourne.


Opening hours are:

Monday  10:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday  CLOSED
Wednesday  10:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday  10:00am – 5:00pm
Friday  10:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday  10:00 – 1:00pm
Sunday  CLOSED

Students should wear closed toe school shoes or runners, only black or white no bright colours please.

Please note school hats and bags are available from the School Office.